Rat Facts
There are 3 types of Rats
Norway Rat:
Their color is a brownish red
Weights about 10-17oz and is about 12-18 inches in length
They have a thick body and blunt nose
Will reach maturity in 2-3 months
The gestation period is 23 days and they will have 6-12 rats per litter and have 4-7 litters per year.
Their diet consist of meat, fish, grains, almost anything, they are garbage scavengers. A Norway Rat can gnaw
through a lead pipe.
Length of adult life is 18 months.

Roof Rat:
Their color is a dark gray
Weights about 8oz and is about 13-17 inches in length
They have a thin body and pointed nose.
Will reach maturity in 2-3 months
The gestation period is 22 days and they will have 6-8 rats per litter and have 4-6 litters per year.
Their diet consist of fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains and snails
Roof rats have extra pads and longer digits on their paws which make them excellent climbers.Length of adult life is 18 months.
House Mouse:
Their color is black, dusty gray
Weights about ¾ oz and is about 6-7 inches in length
They have a small head and body
Will reach maturity in 1-1 ½ months
The gestation period is 19 days and they will have 5-6 rats per litter and have 8 litters per year.
Their diet consist of grains, cereals, meats, fish etc.
A family of 6 mice in a cluttered garage can grow to 50-60 mice in only 90 days.
Length of adult life is 15-18 months.
Rodent Senses:
Sight: Rodents are nearly blind and use their sense of touch for guidance.
Rodents use their limited eyesight to seek darker areas
Smell: Approximately 1% of rat’s genes are involved in their sense of smell
They produce & release pheromones to communicate information with other rodents
Rodents use their sense of smell to find food.
Touch: Rodents’ long whiskers are located all over the body, but are most prominent on the face. These hairs are used for guidance as they move along walls and other object.
Because of this, rodents rarely travel in open spaces.
Sound: Rodents can hear sounds that we cannot; they can hear
ultrasonic frequencies well above the range of humans.